Friday, March 28, 2014

SAMR Model

I know I've mentioned the SAMR model on here before, however, I wanted to share the awesome video explaining how you can really start taking your instruction, "above the line".

"SAMR, a model designed to help educators integrate technology into teaching and learning, was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.. The model aims to enable teachers to design, develop, and integrate digital learning experiences that utilize technology to transform learning experiences to lead to high levels of achievement for students." 

SAMR Model: Explained from EasyBib on Vimeo.

As we are embarking on the third trimester, let's attempt to make modify or redefine some of your lessons.  Please let me know how I can help you integrate this idea into your practice. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Search for Tech Resources by Common Cores State Standard

Today's post comes from Mike Johnson, ITC over at Roosevelt.  He found an awesome resource and wrote about it beautifully... I love when educators can work together. :)  ENJOY!

Graphite, a resource from the fine folks at Common Sense Media, has done us a big favor by launching their Common Core Explorer. A couple, actually... 

First, finding a way to easily navigate the new Common Core Standards is a feat in itself. Even theCCSS website and iPad app are a tad tricky to search specific standards. Graphite's Common Core Explorer, on the other had, cuts the clutter, and makes looking for specific standards in specific content areas within your grade level a breeze. Really, really easy.

But, that's not Common Core Explorer's biggest contribution. What they've done is provide tech-based resources that target and compliment each and every standard. I'll say that again, because it's important: you can easily find tech-based resources by Common Core Standard using Graphite's Common Core Explorer. This makes it a handy little tool to have bookmarked in your browser, so that planning and incorporating tech resources become easier.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy Photo Editing!

I came across this awesome new addition to Google Drive and had to share!  The post is from the Google Drive Blog, enjoy!

Google Slides and Drawings make it easy for you to tell a story and share your ideas. And a big part of storytelling is the images you use to bring a concept to life. Now it’s even easier to get those images just right, because Slides will let you crop, apply shape masks, and add borders to your images right within your presentation. 

To crop an image, select it and click on the crop image icon in the toolbar. 
Then drag the corners to your desired crop size and hit enter to make the crop. 
Applying masks 
To crop your image to a particular shape, apply a mask from the pull-down menu next to the crop icon. 
There are tons of shapes, arrows and callout designs to choose from, like the heart example below. 
Adding borders 
Add a border to your image by clicking on the line weight icon, and give it a little extra pop by changing the line color. 
Look out for image editing in Slides and Drawings over the next couple of hours. Here’s to more beautiful presentations and drawings!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Techy Terms Tuesday #4

Welcome to the fourth edition of Techy Terms Tuesday!

Do you remember in the fall, taking the Level of Teaching Innovation (LoTi)?  I know it was the week of conferences, and we had some log in issues, however, the LoTi is meant to help give you some areas to improve on in your teaching.  One of the biggest complaints I received about the LoTi was the complex "techy" vocabulary used in the survey.   Since we will be taking the survey again in April, I thought it might be a great idea to transform some of the complex language into teacher friendly terms - as I think we are all super innovative educators - and I know that will be reflected in the upcoming survey!  

Here are two new techy terms for you:  formative and summative assessment opportunities & non traditional ways.

I provide multiple and varied formative and summative assessment opportunities that encourage students to "showcase" their content understanding in nontraditional ways.

Formative and Summative Assessment Opportunities

Formative assessments are generally carried out throughout a course or project and provide the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening. Simply put, formative assessment informs both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made. 

Summative assessments are generally carried out at the end of a course, project, or other designated time period and determine at a particular point in time what students know and what they are able to do. Simply put, summative assessments include: state assessments, district benchmarks, chapter tests, and semester exams.

Nontraditional Ways
Nontraditional ways refer to strategies for assessing student content understanding beyond paper and pencil tests, essays, and multiple-choice exams. Simply put, nontraditional assessments include: peer reviews, personal reflection, student portfolios, and interviews.

I know that many of us use these different types of assessment to inform our instruction. Many teacher leaders in the building have even attended a workshop about the Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning and are implementing these strategies in their classroom.  Please let me know if as your instructional coach if I can help you implement these in your classroom or can support you in any way!

Over Spring Break I will be taking a break from Techy Terms Tuesday to chase my toddlers in the sun. :)  I'll be back with Techy Terms #5 in April!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Point of View

Have you ever wanted to know what it would be like to experience life as if you were an eagle soaring through the air?   Check out this video to fly like an eagle.   This would be a great video to show then have kids write about their point of view if they were an animal... or even just discuss.   Enjoy your flight!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Are you studying...

The White House?  Washington D.C?  The Presidents?

Click here to go on a Virtual Tour of the White House using Google Maps!   It's a very cool way to travel though the White House.   If you want to hear a funny story about me actually visiting the White House in 5th grade, just ask!   It starts of with, "I was separated from my family when I set off the metal detector..."   Let me know if you want to know more!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Roosevelt's Doodle For Google Entries

Some of our students here at Roosevelt just participated in the Google for Doodle competition.  Students were challenged to create a Google Doodle with the following theme:

"If I Could Invent One Thing to Make the World a Better Place"

Check out our submissions below!


Thursday, March 20, 2014


Today I heard about the International Day of Happiness.  Who doesn't need a little happiness in their life?  Check out the video and information below. 

Join Pharrell + The UN Foundation on today for the International Day Of Happiness. Details here:

Take action to create a happier world for people everywhere. Click here to donate to the UN's humanitarian efforts at

The entire world joins in on spreading HAPPINESS in this super cut of our favorite moments from fan submitted videos. Thank you to everyone who submitted a video and helped us have a #HAPPYDAY

Watch more HAPPY videos here:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Google Story Builder

I read about an awesome resource today called, Google Story Builder.  Watch the video to see how this teacher explains how to use it in your classroom.

Does this sound like something you would want to use?  I'd love to see you try in with your students.  Let me know how I can help!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Techy Terms Tuesday #3

Welcome to the third edition of Techy Terms Tuesday!

Do you remember in the fall, taking the Level of Teaching Innovation (LoTi)?  I know it was the week of conferences, and we had some log in issues, however, the LoTi is meant to help give you some areas to improve on in your teaching.  One of the biggest complaints I received about the LoTi was the complex "techy" vocabulary used in the survey.   Since we will be taking the survey again in the spring, I thought it might be a great idea to transform some of the complex language into teacher friendly terms - as I think we are all super innovative educators - and I know that will be reflected in the upcoming survey!  

Here is a new techy term for you:  local and global learning communities

What's a local and global learning community?

Local and global learning communities involve collaborations with other individuals that promote interdependence, two-way communication, and creative problem solving.

So, in simple terms, a lot of the cool stuff that's been happening around Roosevelt!  From Google Hangouts, Virtual Field Trips, Pen Pals, etc. we have a lot of collaboration going on.  If you'd like help promoting a local and global learning community in your classroom, please let me know!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I saw this on Google+ today and thought it was too cool not to share... watch the Chicago River being turned green!  I hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Doodle for Google

Only one week left to submit your doodles!

I've received two submissions so far... does anyone else have any?  I'm happy to submit them for you.  For more information, please click here.

One lucky artist will work one-on-one with the doodlers to animate his or her artwork for the Google homepage. The winning student will also receive a $30,000 college scholarship, and win a $50,000 Google for Education technology grant for his or her school!

Check out this Virtual Field Trip Below.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Check out what is coming to Google Docs!

Yesterday, Google launched add-ons—new tools created by developer partners that give you even more features in your documents and spreadsheets. To browse through add-ons for Docs and Sheets, select Get add-ons in the Add-ons menu of any open document or spreadsheet. Once you install an add-on it will become available across all of your documents or spreadsheets and you can start using it right away. Note that add-ons for spreadsheets are only available in the new Google Sheets.   I'll be sharing some of the good "Add -Ons" for you once we have access.

Keep your eyes open for this new feature in your Google Docs - we should see it soon in our Google Domain in District 64!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Techy Terms Tuesday Two

Welcome to the second edition of Techy Terms Tuesday!

Do you remember in the fall, taking the Level of Teaching Innovation (LoTi)?  I know it was the week of conferences, and we had some log in issues, however, the LoTi is meant to help give you some areas to improve on in your teaching.  One of the biggest complaints I received about the LoTi was the complex "techy" vocabulary used in the survey.   Since we will be taking the survey again in the spring, I thought it might be a great idea to transform some of the complex language into teacher friendly terms - as I think we are all super innovative educators - and I know that will be reflected in the upcoming survey!   Here is two more techy terms for you to digest... however, in my mind, they are more curricular based.  It's nice when technology can enhance the curriculum.  :)

Complex Thinking Skill Strategies

Complex thinking skill strategies refer to the more broad, all-encompassing thinking strategies used in processing that depend on a series of steps to reach a conclusion.  Complex thinking strategies include:
  • problem solving
  • creative problem solving
  • decision-making
  • reasoning, 
  • investigation, 
  • experimental inquiry, 
  • reflective thinking.
So simply put, these complex thinking strategies are things that we as teachers use all of them time!   I know that we are always trying to push this complex thinking strategies, and try to improve the ways we use them in our classrooms.   If you want help trying to transform a lesson using these complex thinking strategies, please let me know!

Content Standards

Content standards are collections of discipline-specific student outcomes for instruction and learning that define what students should know and be able to do. Instructional content standards provide a way to focus on a common educational vision among educational professionals, parents, students, and the community at large. They also provide a guide for enhancing preparation and continuing education of teachers while providing a foundation for curriculum development, instruction, and assessment of student performance. 
So, simply put, Content Standards are what we use to guide our instruction every day!

These aren't so tough, right?   Next week I'll break down a few more questions, about how we are using digital & environmental resources. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Summer Plans?

Are you interested in some intriguing professional development this summer?  Do you need some credits to move up the pay scale?  District 207 has some great course offerings at fair prices for this summer.  See the flyer below.   If you are interested, click here to register.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ask the first lady a question!

Exciting news: First Lady Michelle Obama is traveling to China, and she wants to hear questions from students throughout the United States! She'll pick a few to answer in a special video message. Here's how you can participate: on Monday (TODAY), have your students work together as a class to come up with ONE question for The First Lady about her trip to China.   Send them to Coach Caroline and I'll take care of the rest!  We have until after school on Tuesday, March 11th for your class to get me your questions, and I'll submit them by the midnight deadline.  

I can't wait to see what your students come up with!  If you want to see more information, check out Scholastic Teacher's Facebook Page

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tech Talk Week

Have you been keeping up with all of the tech talk week emails?   This was a unique way to educate parents on a daily basis about how we are using technology in District 64.   You may notice that Roosevelt has some awesome representation.  Here are the videos just in case you wanted to catch up. :)

See how our students are using technology as they communicate, collaborate, apply critical thinking skills, and share their creativity through 21st Century Learning.

Explore how “Differentiation” using technology is helping us better meet the needs of every child. Hear how teachers use tech tools to gather real-time feedback from students about their learning, and adjust instruction to better meet their needs. Listen to students explain how technology tools let them work at their own pace and skill level.

Technology is more than just fun; it supports students working together to do work that matters. Hear a teacher describe how technology can motivate, bring meaning to learning and spark curiosity to help students grow. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hapara is here for 4th and 5th grade teachers

If you are a 4th or 5th grade teacher - you now have Hapara - which is only going to enhance your Chrome and Chromebook experience.   Check out the video below. 

To access your teacher dashboard, click here.   I'll will be working with 4th and 5th grade teachers (specials included, if you are interested) on what Hapara can do for you and useful tips.  Stay tuned for training information!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Let It Go...

Today I stumbled across a video that combined one of my daughter's favorites, Frozen, and one of my favorites, Jimmy Fallon.  I figured it was worth a share for a little "Let It Go" of all of the ISAT, Conferences, and crazy March stress!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Techy Terms Tuesday

Do you remember in the fall, taking the Level of Teaching Innovation (LoTi)?  I know it was the week of conferences, and we had some log in issues, however, the LoTi is meant to help give you some areas to improve on in your teaching.  One of the biggest complaints I received about the LoTi was the complex "techy" vocabulary used in the survey.   Since we will be taking the survey again in the spring, I thought it might be a great idea to transform some of the complex language into teacher friendly terms - as I think we are all super innovative educators - and I know that will be reflected in the upcoming survey!

Standards-based Learning Experiences 

A standard is a statement of what students should know and be able to demonstrate.  Therefore, a standards-based learning experience is any lesson/activity/learning experience that happens in your classroom that is based on the standards your students are assessed.

Simply put, standards-based learning experiences are pretty much every lesson or activity that happens in your classroom on a daily basis!

Digital Tools 

Digital tools commonly include laptop computers, mobile devices, software applications, web-based applications, digital cameras, printers, probes, MIDI devices, interactive whiteboards, scanners, analog video cameras, digital video cameras, multipurpose calculators, and video-conferencing equipment available for instructional use in your classroom.

Simply put, digital tools are all of the technologies that you use with your students including the hardware, software and Internet.

Environmental Resources 

Environmental resources commonly include any form of non-print materials including manipulatives, displays, dioramas, original photos, original artifacts, measurement devices, household or store products available for instructional use in your classroom..

Simply put, environmental resources are the hands on teaching tools we use every day. 

So if we were to look at the survey questions...
  • How often are your students involved in standards-based learning experiences during the instructional day?
  • How often are you (the teacher) using digital tools and/or environmental resources during the instructional day?
My guess is that every teacher at Roosevelt would respond "multiple times per day" given all of the amazing teaching going on here!

Stay tuned for next week when I break down complex thinking strategies & content standards.