Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Check out my map!

I hope you've been having a great summer so far!   Right now, I'm in the middle of a Google Course to become "Google Map Certified".   As a part of my homework, I had to share a map of that I created.... please enjoy the map I made above!  I have so many ideas of how to use this in the classroom... another fun way to integrate tech in the upcoming school year!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy Summer!


I hope everyone has a tremendous summer and enjoys the time to reflect on the school year and recharge your battery for the next!   I'll be updating my blog on a WEEKLY basis - so please feel free to check in and see what's going on!

Have a WONDERFUL summer!

Why is the sky blue?

I'm sure you've heard this expression before, however, have you ever seen the exact science behind why the sky is blue?  With illustrations to help you explain?

Click here and check out the interactive series of images to tell you why the sky is blue!  It's a pretty cool activity that will help answer that very intriguing question!!!  Just click the arrow in the upper right hand corner to get started.  Enjoy!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Dotty Dots

Are you looking for a fun way for your students to interact with spelling or vocabulary words?   Check out Dotty Dots.

All you do in type in a message in the box up at the top, press go, then roll your mouse over the word to make the magic happen!    If you click on the bottom right, the dots can do different things!  It defaults on original but there is also tornado & whirlpool.   It's a lot of fun to do as a class or have students work on individually.  Check it out!